Pushkin Client

The Pushkin client is available on NPM under pushkin-client. It should be instantiated once imported into a web page:

import pushkinClient from 'pushkin-client';
const pushkin = new pushkinClient();

The module has the following methods:


  • API URL : string

    Location of this experiment’s API endpoint.

Returns: Promise. Resolves on successful connection.


  • URL : string

    URL of a script to load

Returns: Promise. Resolves upon successfully loading the script.

Useful for loading external jsPsych plugins from a CDN. Scripts are reloaded if already present in the DOM, making sure they run again if a page changes.


  • URLs : string array

    URLs to load.

Returns: Promise. Resolves upon successfully loading all scripts.

A convenience function. Uses loadScript and Promise.all in the backend.


Arguments: None

Returns: Promise. Resolves upon affirmation.

Sends a POST request to [expapi]/startExperiment to allow the backend to prepare stimuli for the experiment, if need be. Depends on defaults being enable in the experiment’s API and worker.


Arguments: None

Returns: Promise. Resolves to an array of jsPsych stimuli.

Obtains the stimuli for this experiment in one request. Depends on defaults being enable in the experiment’s API and worker.


  • jsPsych stimuli : object array

    Adds the on_finish property to each stimulus and sets it to call saveStimulusResponse.

Returns: Modified object array of jsPsych stimuli.


  • jsPych onfinish data : { user_id : int, … }

    Data to be saved in the database under user_id. Posted to [expapi]/stimulusResponse.

Returns: Promise. Resolves upon successful database save.

Likely not wanted to be invoked directly by most users. Easiest to use if added to jsPsych’s on_finish function for each timeline variable.


  • jsPych onfinish data : { user_id : int, … }

Returns: Promise. Resolves on successful connection.


Arguments: None

Returns: Promise. Reolves upon successfully notifying the worker.

Notify the worker that the experiment has ended and it can stop preparing for future stimuli. This should probably be called whenever the user leaves a page in the middle of an experiment as well.


  • path : string

    URL of API endpoint to send this call to.

  • data : object

    Data to send to the API endpoint.

  • httpMethod : string (optional)

    A lowercase string of an http method to call the endpoint, such as “get” or “put”.

Returns: Promise. Resolves with response data.

Simplifies calls to custom API endpoints.